Our SENco team
At Moor Allerton Hall Primary School, we take a whole school approach to Inclusion. Every member of staff is an essential part of the Inclusion Team. We work together to ensure every child in every class achieves the best possible outcomes (academically, socially and emotionally)
We care about the development of the whole child. After all, happy, relaxed, confident children make better learners. Each child is supported to meet their own individual needs and make progress according to their personal learning journey.
We have high expectations for all children. We believe that there is a way to help every child achieve more. We recognise that some children may need additional provision to support their individual learning needs.
In collaboration with parents, carers and the support of external agencies, we aim for all children to make progress from their starting points.
There are occasions when children may need adaptations to be made to their learning in order for them to achieve.
Teachers discuss children's additional needs with parents and the SENCO team and an appropriate plan is designed. This plan ensures teachers and supporting staff make adaptations to learning to suit a child's individual special educational needs.
Adaptations may be made in the classroom or children may be involved in additional interventions that take place outside of the classroom if appropriate.
For children who may need extra provision to support their development, the following is available:
- Literacy interventions to embed basic literacy skills
- Maths interventions to embed basic maths skills
- Learning Support
- Reading Intervention/ Accelerated Reading to support reading and comprehension skills
- Pre-teach and Catch up lessons to ensure understanding across the curriculum
- Speech, Language and Social communication activities to ensure the basics of literacy learning and social development
- Nurture room for 1:1 or small group pastoral care
- Family Support to help support routines for happy, healthy children and parents/ carers
- Attendance support to ensure all children are safe and taking maximum benefit from learning
SEND Annual Information Report
All of our policies relating to SEND can be found in the policy section of the website in General Information.
Leeds and Moor Allerton Hall Local Offer
What is the leeds local offer? click on the one minute quick guide above to find out more.