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Computing at Moor Allerton Hall 

MAHPs Computer Intent

Awareness of Opportunities

At Moor Allerton Hall, we recognise and embrace the inclusion of Computing as an important part of everyday life.  The high-quality teaching of Computing in our school aims to equip the students with the wings to fly in today’s digital world. We provide a range of wide experiences to make learning both memorable and exciting, whilst nurturing our children’s creativity. The Computing curriculum aims to provide all students from all backgrounds with the opportunities to develop their learning, knowledge, and skills in using a range of computing programmes. With their learning muscles, students build confidence and a love of learning in creating individual, exciting learning journeys.


Knowledge and Understanding

There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information technology, digital literacy, and computer science. Information Technology is about the use of computers for practical purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. Digital Literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. Finally, Computer Science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks operate. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, including coding skills which is increasing in importance in a growing number of working environments.

Cross Curriculum

Computing is not a subject that exists on its own and is an invisible, but ever present, footprint across many aspects of a child’s life. We aim to establish a culture of inclusion of Computing into relevant areas of all topics in the school’s curriculum. For example, children will be exposed to writing programmes for English tasks, calculation, graphing, and spreadsheet software for mathematics and even using presentation and movie making software in history and geography topics. Computing is large part of the STEM subjects in school, and the use of Computing skills to develop subject knowledge and children’s creativity is key, equipping them well for further education and beyond.

Implementing Computing at MAHPs

Professional Development of Teachers

Through regular use of computers across the academic year, both children and adults will develop their fluency of using computers in and out of school. As an ever-growing part of daily life, being comfortable with the computing systems in place will prove invaluable in developing the computing skills of both the teaching staff and children. Regular CPD is available in the use of the school systems, so staff are confident in modelling the correct procedures to the children in the classroom.

Personal growth for everyone has also flourished in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, with home and blended learning taking place on Teams platforms as well as assemblies occurring on the same platforms with the return to school. This transition has been well managed and appropriate training has been implemented.

Planning Computing

Computing is planned in school using the Purple Mash Computing scheme. This has allowed a consistent approach across the whole school, starting from KS1 all the way to Y6. Planning and resources are provided by the scheme, which are clear and easy to follow, but also allow for adaptations and creative inputs from teaching staff to suit all learners. Effective and engaging lessons are delivered to the children in the classroom. Computing leaders in the school have also been able to provide CPD for other staff when questions have arisen.

The Purple Mash scheme of work has been designed to cover all strands of Computing allowing the children to build on their learning from previous year groups. As well as developing their depth of learning and allowing them to use their learning muscles, this encourages the children to independently achieve their potential and more. This also ensures that all National Curriculum outcomes are covered in lessons.

Internet safety is taken extremely seriously at Moor Allerton Hall and is covered in all year groups during the autumn term in Computing lessons. As well as the lessons, whole school and Key Stage assemblies stress the important of staying safe online. We have an E-Safety module on Purple Mash that provides guidance for teachers and children about how to use the internet safely. After this part of their learning, children can understand how to stay safe when using technology and internet safety is regularly discussed to address current issues. Monitoring the appropriate use of the internet at school allows staff to ensure all children are safe online.

Inclusion of Computing

Computing, and the use of computing systems, has proven to be the key to unlocking a huge amount of learning for the children in school. From using times tables software in Maths, Dyslexia software for interventions and even movie and music editing for topic and music lessons.

Following the Computing lessons where students build their digital literacy skills, year groups have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and learning to more independent projects. For example, Year 6 are involved in the development and construction of a stage production. Year 5 undertake an Enterprise challenge where budgeting, stock and marketing tasks are key to collaborative success. Year 4 write, direct, film and edit their own movies using movie making software on iPads. Year 3 complete a robot building challenge where coding is brought to life!

In school, children are able use their Computing learning on a wide variety of different devices. From iPads to interactive whiteboards, as well as individual notebooks and laptops, the children are exposed to several computing devices. This ensures that all year groups can use a range of devices and programmes with work across the Computing and wider curriculum. Developing these links encourages the students to use and remember their skills they have been taught.

Measuring the Impact of our Computing Curriculum

How do we know our children have better Computing skills?

We aim to build the confidence of all learners in the use of our computing systems. Through the use of the learning muscles, students build on learned skills and present their learning in the successful completion of projects. Our focus is promoting the children’s love of learning which scaffolds a memorable and engaging learning journey.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

Teacher assessment

Teachers will consistently but discreetly assess children throughout lessons through questioning and reviewing class activities, as well as outcomes from independent work and projects. To ensure learning is interesting and memorable, pupil enjoyment and engagement are also monitored by the class teacher. Students receive a final assessment at the end of the year on their individual report.

Knowledge Development

Encouragement of independent home projects and during school learning demonstrate that our students can evaluate and apply Computing knowledge and learning to solve problems. It also shows that they are competent users of computing programmes to realise a solution to a creative problem set in school, or at home. Examples of these skills at appropriate moments show progression of learning and prepare the students for continued use of computing systems in their lives

Our Computing curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to enable the children to excel and fly in today’s digital world. Students will be able to, with confidence, analyse problems and introduce Computing resolutions to different tasks in their learning environment that they may face. This equips students with the digital building blocks for their future lives.

Pupil Voice

Students are interviewed by the Computing lead to establish the level of knowledge, and enjoyment that students have gained during their lessons. Appropriate questioning during the interviews allows any gaps to be identified which informs planning for individual year groups.


MAHPs Computing Curriculum Overview

MAHPs Computing Progression

The computing progression documents show how vocabulary, skills and knowledge develops and progresses from Year 1 all the way to Year 6. This allows our teachers to ensure they are teaching the correct objectives at the right time and they are also able to revisit information to help the children activate their prior knowledge.

MAHPs Computing EYFS

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