Committee Information
The main work of the School Governing Body is undertaken in the following committees whose responsibilities range from strategic planning and budget setting, equalities, monitoring teaching and learning as well as health and safety and the upkeep of the school building and grounds.
The following is a list of committees and responsibilities:
Resources – is responsible for staffing including the appointment of the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher, performance management, governor training and development, finance, property management and health and safety.
Teaching & Learning (T&L) is responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, SEN (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy),child protection, attendance, bullying and harassment, monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing body is represented at school improvement discussions.
Pupil and Family Support (PFS) is responsible for pupil support including the extended services agenda, behaviour management, attendance, equalities, nutritional standards, extracurricular activities and other partnerships resulting from the development of Children’s Services and to ensure the school promotes and contributes to community cohesion.
Follow the link for a full list of our Terms of Reference which outline the responsibilities of each subcommittee.