Head Teacher Welcome Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
My name is Sarah Richards; I have worked in primary education in Leeds for the last twenty-four years with experience of being a Head Teacher throughout the last nine in two schools; I have recently joined Moor Allerton Hall Primary School this year.
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and am keen to share with you our aspirations and ethos for our children’s education and experience in MAHPS.
Moor Allerton Hall is a three-form entry Primary School set in extensive grounds in-between Moortown and Chapel Allerton in Leeds. The children in our school are happy, confident and love coming to school; they are loved and cared for by staff who know them as individuals.
Children only have one chance in primary education and this experience should be driven by capable and enthusiastic staff, an excellent and engaging curriculum with teachers and leaders who are focused on children achieving the very best outcomes, in a school where children who know how to handle challenges and build resilience; where children show patience and kindness, which is modelled to them throughout their day in school surrounded by enthusiastic, ambitious staff who have high expectations for achievement, behaviour and learning and teaching.
In Moor Allerton Hall we aim to create an environment which is nurturing, caring yet ambitious, providing children with ‘roots to grow and wings to fly’. We are proud of our diverse, multi-cultural school family where everyone is accepted and where we celebrate our differences and enjoy learning about one another, ready for brilliant transition and engagement into every next phase of education.
You would be most welcome to come and visit us if you are looking at MAHPS for the first time, please just be in touch. Moor Allerton Hall is beginning a new phase, driven by ambition and an unrelenting passion for and belief in our children, their education and their future.
Mrs. Richards
Head Teacher